Dalton with Newton Town Council
Minutes of the meeting held Monday 4th October 2021 in the Town Hall, Station Road, Dalton in Furness at 7pm
Present Councillors C Fox, S Ronson, A Fox, N Perie, W Maddox and R Crossley.
- Apologies Written apologies were received from Councillors A Thurlow – on holiday, A Bowe – Prior engagement and C Stainton – Illness. The apologies were accepted.
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting It was agreed that the minutes of the previous meeting were a true record and the chairman was authorised to sign.
- Declarations of Interest Councillor Maddox and Cllr Ronson declared an interest in any matters relating to Barrow Borough Council, Councillor Perie declared an interest in any matters relating to Dalton Community Association and Cllr Crossley declared an interest in planning application no B23/2021/0766 2-3 Church Street.
- Police There was no police presence at the meeting however Crime figures would be sent out by email to councillors.
- Reports from District/County Councillors Councillor Ronson reported that the grant he had applied for to purchase the former Brocklebanks site had been rejected as it did not fit the criteria of the funders. As the developers were keen to commence work on the approved development it was now unlikely that the area could be purchased to provide a car park for community use.
Councillor Maddox gave a verbal report on the recent rail meeting that she had attended although there was nothing of significance to pass on at the moment.
- Matters Arising
(a) Community Garden The Town Clerk reported that work on the resurfacing was likely to commence shortly, however this was weather dependant and due to the very heavy rainfall recently there may be a delay in the start date. The Town clerk also reported that there were a number of daffodil bulbs left over after planting up the various identified areas. It was agreed that the remaining bulbs will be offered to community groups for planting to enhance the town.
(b) Shop Front Grant Scheme – The closing date for applications had now passed and 9 applications for grant funding had been received from local businesses. All applications fitted the criteria and had been notified that they had been successful.
- Correspondence There was no correspondence to consider at this meeting
- Highways Councillor Ronson asked that the outcomes of the following issues be raised with Highways, Weint Corner Junction road markings, results of the residents survey at Tantabank and installation of double yellow lines on Long Lane.
- Unitary Authority Further information had been received on the Unitary Authority and emailed out to councillors, however it was a lengthy document and councillors needed further time to read through before discussion. In the meantime it was agreed that Sam Plum, Chief Executive of Barrow BC be invited to meet with Town Councillors to discuss the affect the introduction of the Unitary Authority would have on Town Councils in Cumbria. This item was deferred to the next meeting.
- Queen’s Platinum Jubilee At a previous meeting of the council, Councillors A Thurlow, R Crossley and N Perie had volunteered to form a sub committee to deal with planning for the Queen’s platinum jubilee and it was necessary for them to hold a meeting as there was now only 8 months before any celebrations were to take place. A suggestion had been put forward regarding the creation of a Queen’s Green canopy utilizing an area of land within the boundary of Dalton. Following discussion it was agreed that a site visit be conducted before a final decision was made.
- Finance
- A Bennett 97.00
- DCA 81.60
- Lite Ltd 18,396.00
- Greaves Tree Services 1380
- H F Thomson (reimburse Petty Cash) 295.75
- Furness Plastics 498.00
- South Lakes Lettings 200.00
- PKF Littlejohn 480.00
The Town Clerk reported that the external audit had been concluded and the report and certificate from PKF Littlejohn had now been received with no issues being reported by them as being necessary to be brought to the attention of the authority.
- Reports Cllr C Fox reported that a combined Civic Sunday and Carol Service would be held on Sunday 28th November this year at St. Marys’ Parish Church. Further details for councillors are to follow.
Councillor Crossley reported that the Remembrance service this year would be held on Sunday 14th November with a service at St. Marys Church at 9.30am where the parade would form up to march to the Cenotaph on Station Road for the service at 10.50am. Refreshments would be provided at the Cricket Club and it was agreed that the Town Council would arrange and fund the refreshments.
- Planning
B13/2021/0657 Land at Green Area, Dalton in Furness
Application for Outline Planning Permission for residential development for two dwellings (pair of semi-detached 2 storey dwellings), with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent approval)
The Town Council object to this development application.
The proposal to erect a pair of semi-detached dwellings at this location would have a detrimental effect on the open nature of this site and the surrounding area. The site is in an area of historic importance being in very close proximity to PROW 602012 which forms part of the ancient Cistercian Way with other historically valuable monuments and buildings in the nearby vicinity.
The flood risk for the site has been identified as being in flood risk zone 1, however the only access to and from the proposed properties is in flood risk zone 3 and the Town Council would expect to see the applicant provide a flood risk assessment before this application progresses further. The Town Council would also like to point out that Church Street which is specified in the application form as providing access to and from the proposed properties is one way only for vehicular access for a large part.
The site is not included in the housing allocation in the Borough Council Local Plan 2016 – 2031 and is identified by the applicant as a ‘windfall site’. Referring to windfall sites the Local Borough Local Plan states at 7.6.1 They are generally small infill sites within the urban area. The Town Council would hope that the proposed site is recognised by the planning committee as not being consistent with an infill site in an urban area.
B21/2021/0775 Mill Brow Lodge, Abbey Road, Dalton
Demolition of existing single storey side extension & replace with 2 storey side extension for use as: Ground floor kitchen & Dining room first floor bedroom & shower room
The Town Council have no objections
B23/2021/0766 2-3 Church Street, Dalton
Listed building consent to re-roof with ‘Redland’ plain grey roof tile.
The Town Council have no objections
B18/2021/0557 Paddock View, Woodbine Lane, Newton
Proposed sheep/lambing shed with passo olive green cladding to roof and walls
The Town Council have no objections
B21/2021/0748 39 Newton Road, Dalton
Double storey side extension (extending 1.25 metres in front of the existing house) with a front canopy roof extending across remainder of existing house. Extension to provide ground floor living area and store with first floor bedroom and en-suite.
The Town Council have no objections
Meeting Closed 8.35pm