Dalton with Newton Town Council
Minutes of the meeting held Monday 1st November 2021 in the Town Hall, Station Road, Dalton in Furness at 7pm
Present Councillors C Fox, A Fox, N Perie, A Thurlow, R Crossley, A Bowe and W Maddox
- Apologies Written apologies were received from Councillors S Ronson – on holiday and C Stainton – work commitments. The apologies were accepted.
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting It was agreed that the minutes of the previous meeting were a true record and the chairman was authorised to sign.
- Declarations of Interest Councillor Maddox declared an interest in any matters relating to Barrow Borough Council, Councillors Perie and Thurlow declared an interest in any matters relating to Dalton Community Association.
- Police There was no police presence at the meeting and no crime figures had been submitted.
- Reports from District/County Councillors There were no reports for this meeting.
- Matters Arising
- Community Garden The Town Clerk reported that the paviours had now been delivered and the garden had been locked to prevent public access. Some paviours had been laid but the work was weather dependant and due to recent heavy rain work had been postponed until an improvement in the weather.
- Queen’s Platinum Jubilee The site visit which had been scheduled for 23rd of October had unfortunately been cancelled and a new date was required. After discussion a new date of Sat 6th November at 11am was agreed.
- Unitary Authority The Town Clerk had requested a meeting with Sam Plum as agreed at the last meeting and had been informed that a meeting to discuss what was currently known about the implementation of a unitary authority would be arranged for November 2021. It was agreed that it may be helpful for the meeting to take place via Zoom or Teams to enable as many councillors to attend as possible, this could include Askam & Ireleth and Lindal & Marton councillors. The Town Clerk is to put the suggestion to Sam Plum and report back to councillors.
- Remembrance Day Arrangements The public notices had now been prepared by the Borough Council and displayed in various locations. It had been agreed that the Council would provide the refreshments. After discussing the arrangements with Alan Brown of the British Legion, The Wellington Hotel on Market Street had been approached for use of their function room.
- Rusland Remembrance Service – This item was on the agenda as a reminder of the service at Rusland which was 7th November at 2.45pm.
- Co-option to Council The Town Clerk reported that although he closing date had not yet passed one expression of interest had been received and a date for interview after the 12th of November would need to be arranged. A date of Thursday 19th November at 6.30pm was agreed. Interview panel would be Councillors C Fox, N Perie and W Maddox.
- Flagpoles Councillor C Fox reported that the flagpoles at both entrances were now showing their age and would not be fit for purpose for much longer and asked councillors to consider renewing the flagpoles with a more modern version. A quote for new poles would be obtained and the Town Clerk would report back at the next meeting. It was also noted that the nearby hedge and trees had become very overgrown and made it difficult to get into the poles. Although the hedge was not in the Council ownership it was necessary to deal with it and the Council tree surgeon had been requested to prune the hedge. This had been done very quickly at a cost of £60.
- Correspondence There was no correspondence to consider at this meeting
- Highways Councillors reported potholes at Skelwith Drive and queen Street. The Town Clerk is to report to highways.
- Christmas 2021 The continuing Covid infections numbers which had been rising in our geographical area had cast doubt on the possibility of going ahead with the Christmas switch on in its normal format, the Dalton event regularly attracted in excess of 2,000 people and although this was an outdoor event, the main areas of Tudor Square and Market Place were extremely crowded. It was agreed by councillors that the larger event and parade which usually formed the Christmas Switch on would be cancelled this year and a lower key switch on be held at Tudor Square only. This corresponded with other councils across the country and particularly in Cumbria. There would be an outdoor Christmas Market going ahead on the day arranged by an independent party. Christmas Trees – in 2020 the Council offered a 6ft Christmas tree to every residential property between Crooklands Brow and Romney Park to place outside their property to enhance the Christmas lights celebration in the Town. There was a good response and 93 trees had been provided. Following discussion it was agreed that this offer be repeated in 2021. Based on the same take-up in numbers the expected cost would be £1720.
- Finance
- Lite Ltd 702.00
- RBL Poppy Appeal – Poppy Wreaths 70.00
- J Lee – Shop Front Grant 159.98
- J Brathwaite – Tree Work 250.00
- Sensible Choice 48.00
- J Braithwaite – Crooklands Hedge 60.00
It was agreed the above invoices be paid
- Reports Councillor Crossley reported to Councillors that they would be receiving an invitation shortly to attend a meeting at St Marys’ church centre to view the plans and proposals for the refurbishment of the centre.
- Planning
B20/2021/0742 149 Market Street, Dalton
Change of use of first floor from use as part of a former fitness studio at 147 Market Street to residential accommodation as part of the use of 147 Market Street as a single dwelling house (use Class C3)
The Town Council have no objections
B28/2021/0825 Tudor Square, Dalton
Notice of intention to (works to trees within conservation area) Ash (1) – remove metal tree guard. Ash (2) – remove metal tree guard. Ash (3) – remove metal tree guard. Ash (4) – Remove metal tree guard. Ash (5) remove tree and metal tree guard.
The Town Council have no objections
B28/2021/0835 Station Road, Dalton in Furness
Notice of intention to (works to trees within conservation area) – Ash (1) – remove metal tree guard.
The Town Council objections
B28/2021/0830 Market Place, Dalton in Furness
Notice of intention to (works to trees within conservation area) – Ornamental maple (1) – remove metal tree guard, remove trunk growth and remove dead branch. Maple (2) remove metal tree guard.
The Town Council have no objections
Meeting Closed 8.12pm