Dalton with Newton Town Council
Minutes of the meeting held Monday 7th June 2021 in the Town Hall, Station Road, Dalton in Furness at 7pm
Present Councillors C Fox, S Ronson, A Fox, N Perie, A Thurlow, W Maddox and A Bowe
- Apologies There were no apologies for absence
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting It was agreed that the minutes of the previous meeting were a true record and the chairman was authorised to sign.
- Declarations of Interest Councillor Maddox and Cllr Ronson declared an interest in any matters relating to Barrow Borough Council, Councillor Perie and Cllr Thurlow declared an interest in any matters relating to Dalton Community Association
- Police There was no police presence at the meeting but crime figures had been submitted by the PCSO. Councillors acknowledged receipt and agreed to thank the police for the figures but felt that more information was needed regarding some of the reports contained.
- Reports from District/County Councillors There were no reports for this meeting.
- Matters Arising
- Promotional Film – Councillor C Fox gave a verbal report on the promotional film of Dalton which the Council were undertaking. Filming had now taken place and the interim film was due very shortly.
- Dalton Market – Councillor C Fox gave a verbal report on the regeneration of the Tuesday Market on Tudor Square. Several suggestions had been put forward by the stallholders with a request for permanent signage. It was of concern that permanent signage may not be appropriate at the current time but other alternatives would be looked at and information passed back to Councillors for decision.
- Borderlands smaller projects – The Town Clerk reported that there were several small projects which had been presented to the Borderlands Town Team which had come from the community consultation. Many of these would probably not fit the criteria for Borderlands or would be too small to be identified, however they were issues that the Town Council could undertake. Following discussion it was agreed that the Town Council would look at adopting some of the smaller projects which did not fit within the criteria of Borderlands.
- Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022 – The Town Clerk reported that next year would be HM Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee and an extended Bank Holiday weekend was being planned for the entire Country. If the Town Council were to propose hosting events in Dalton it would be necessary to start planning early. It was agreed that Councillors C Fox, A Thurlow, R Crossley and N Perie volunteered to look at the possibilities and required planning by forming a sub-Committee.
- WW2 Commemoration – Councillor Thurlow reported that during research for the WW2 Commemoration which she undertook it was not possible to search all records as the census for 1921 had not yet been released, however this was due soon and it would be appropriate to continue the research to form a more complete picture. It was agreed that a budget of £100 be allocated for the purpose of continuing WW2 research.
- Marking the Death of a Royal – The Town Clerk reported that the Town Council had, at the moment, no formal policy or instructions to mark the death of a Royal. Whilst recent organization to mark the sudden death of HR Prince Phillip the Duke of Edinburgh has been conducted smoothly, marking the death of other senior Royals would be more involved with stringent timelines set out to observe certain protocols. Councillor Maddox is to look at National Guidance and formulate the Council Action Plan to deal with an event of this kind.
- Correspondence There was no correspondence to note at this meeting.
- Highways There were no Highways issues to deal with at this meeting.
- Co-Option to Council Councillor Fox reported that the prospective councillor for co-option to the Council had now been interviewed and the recommendation from the interview panel was that the Council appoint Claire Preston via co-option. It was agreed that Claire Stainton be co-opted and invited to the next meeting to assume the role. Councillor Fox also reported that a further expression of interest had been received for the second vacancy on the Council and an interview would need to take place. Following discussion it was agreed that Councillors C Fox, A Thurlow and N Perie interview the candidate and report back to council at the next meeting.
- Christmas 2021 The Christmas Committee had now met with contractors Optech to ascertain what was possible in terms of new design and the quotes for the lights were now in. Once the Christmas Committee had made a decision on the best option details will be reported back to Council.
- Finance
- JRB Enterprise 412.20
- H F Thomson Re-imburse 121.58
The invoices were approved for payment
- Annual Accounts and AGAR Each Councillor had received a copy of the Annual Accounts and relevant documents by email prior to the meeting and a hard copy was now provided for information. The Annual Accounting Statement and AGAR were approved and the Chairman authorized to sign.
- Dalton United FC Grant Application Following discussion a grant of £1500 was approved.
- Reports Councillor Maddox gave a verbal report on the action so far she had carried as a Borough Councillor in relation to the grass verges at Coronation Drive at the request of Councillor Perie
- Planning
BPA4/2021/0461 Land at Eure Pits, Ulverston Road, Dalton
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed erection of a portal frame agricultural storage building
The Town Council have no objection.
B18/2021/0371 Ruskinville, Abbey Road, Dalton in Furness
Construction of new garage and driveway including new access onto a classified road (Abbey Road)
The Town Council object to this application. In the opinion of the Town Council the introduction of a direct access onto Abbey Road at this point is un-necessary when there is already an existing access to the property adjoining the highway. Additionally, within yards of the point at which the proposed access is to join the highway, a triple fatality accident occurred in June 2020 and to introduce a new access would be inviting further problems. Given the reasonably close proximity of railway to the rear of the site, the Town Council were surprised to see that Network Rail were not on the list of consultees.
BPA4/2021/0484 Green Area, Dalton in Furness
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed agricultural storage building.
The Town Council have no objection
Meeting Closed 8.17pm