Dalton with Newton Town Council
Minutes of the meeting held Monday 6th December 2021 in the Town Hall, Station Road, Dalton in Furness at 7pm
Present Councillors C Fox, A Fox, N Perie, A Thurlow, W Maddox, C Stainton and S Ronson
- Apologies Written apologies were received from Councillors R Crossley – Prior Meeting and A Bowe – Family Commitment. The apologies were accepted.
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting It was agreed that the minutes of the previous meeting were a true record and the chairman was authorised to sign.
- Declarations of Interest Councillors Maddox and Ronson declared an interest in any matters relating to Barrow Borough Council, Councillors Perie and Thurlow declared an interest in any matters relating to Dalton Community Association.
- Police PC Matt Noden, the new community police officer attended the meeting to introduce himself and presented the crime figures for November 2021.
- Reports from District/County Councillors There were no reports for this meeting.
- Matters Arising
- Community Garden The Town Clerk reported that the resurfacing of the community garden had now been completed and positive comments had been received from members of the public.
- Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Craig Fox reported that a site visit had been carried out by councillors and it had been agreed that the area at Goose Green would be suitable for an area dedicated to the Queen’s platinum jubilee. The Town Clerk had spoken to the Estates Manager at Barrow Borough Council regarding an asset transfer of the land in advance of the transfer to the proposed Unitary Authority. The Borough Council were in favour of the proposal, however it was suggested a lease would be more appropriate. The estates manager is to conduct a site visit and contact the clerk again to start the process of the lease. The Town Clerk is to arrange for the tree surgeon to organise a quote for the tidying of the overgrown hedges and trees in the area.
- Unitary Authority The Town Clerk gave a verbal report on the recent online meeting with CALC, SLDC and Barrow Borough Councils to discuss the progress of the Local Government Organisation. Most of the information imparted was already available on the new website newcouncilforcumbria.info and a link to the Teams meeting which was recorded would be circulated for councillors who could not attend on the 2nd December. Cllr Ronson suggested that the Town Council commence the process of looking at what was currently in the Barrow Borough ownership but located within the parish boundary of Dalton with Newton with a view to what the Town Council could assume responsibility for at the staging date for the new Unitary Authority in April/May 2023. Cllr Ronson is to carry out some preparatory work and report back.
- Committees Councillor Fox reminded those present of the importance of members of committees attending meetings. Low attendance at meetings made progress very difficult as had been seen with Christmas this year. Councillors agreed a new committee to deal with the implications of the LGR and members of that committee will be: Councillors S Ronson, A Thurlow, N Perie and the Town Clerk. First meeting was agreed as Wednesday 15th December at 6.30pm. Jubilee Committee – Members are N Perie, A Thurlow, C Stainton, Craig Fox and R Crossley. Next meeting of this committee was agreed as 26th January 2022 at 6.30pm. Finance Committee members are: C Fox, A Fox, N Perie, A Thurlow. The next meeting of the Finance committee was agreed as Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 6.30pm.
8. Correspondence There was no correspondence to consider at this meeting
9. Highways The Town Clerk informed councillors that the response from highways teams to reports put through to CCC recently had been very slow and there seemed to be a particular problem getting responses to emails sent to CCC officers. There were several issues discussed with highways well over 12 months ago which were still outstanding. The Town Clerk is to follow up the follow issues: Tantabank – residents survey, Nelson Street – extension of double yellow lines at Rowlinson Place junction, Weint Corner – change of priorities. Two more recent outstanding issues would also be followed up.
10.Christmas 2021 The Town Clerk reported that the majority of the comments received from the public so far regarding the new Christmas lights had been positive. The Christmas Switch on, albeit on a smaller scale than usual had been well received and a considerable number of people attended. There were some issues at the road closure points with marshals being subjected to verbal abuse. The organisation his year had been extremely difficult and had involved a considerable amount of additional work, this was going to be repeated next year as the event management company that the Council used would no longer be available. Dalton is unusual in that the Town Council still organise the switch on event, In most other areas locally an independent committee do this sometimes with financial and other support from the Council. Following discussion it was agreed that the Council seek to make alternative arrangements for switch on events from 2022 with an independent committee being sought to carry out the planning and delivery of the event.
- Co-Option to Council Councilllors Craig Fox and N Perie gave a verbal report on the recent interview of a local resident who had expressed an interest in being co-opted to the Council. Following the report it was agreed that Neil McDougal be co-opted to the Council representing the Dowdales ward.
- Finance
- H F Thomson – Reimburse 330.42
- Kooks Catering 200.00
- H F Thomson – Reimburse 131.30
- JRB Enterprise (Dog Bags) 451.80
- R Steele (Shop Front Grant) 200.00
- Sensible Choice 48.01
- Sensible Choice 2572.94
- Cumbria Landscapes & Groundworks 11,100.00
- Information Commissioners Office (Annual Renewal) 35.00
- Reports There were no reports for this meeting
- Planning
B18/2021/0956 2-4 Station Road, Dalton in Furness
Replacement of existing ground floor front elevation external doors and windows.
The Town Council have no Objections
B21/2021/0948 9B Market Street, Dalton in Furness
Demolition of a porch and garage. Erection of a new porch and a two-storey side extension forming an open plan kitchen – dining area on the ground floor and a bedroom on the first floor including internal and external alterations.
The Town Council have no objections
B13/2021/0941 Crossgates Farm, Broughton Road, Dalton in Furness
Application for approval of Reserved Natter for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following the granting of Outline Planning Permission dwelling for use by the applicant on an agreed site.
The Town Council have no objections
B21/2021/0910 12 Coniston Ave, Dalton in Furness
Construction of two storey side extension and covered porch to front elevation.
The Town Council have no objections
Meeting Closed 8.12pm