Dalton with Newton Town Council
Minutes of the online meeting held Monday 19th April 2021 by Zoom at 7pm
Present Councillors N Perie, C Fox, A Fox, A Thurlow, W Maddox, S Ronson and R Crossley
- Apologies Cllr A Bowe
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting It was agreed that the minutes of the previous meeting were a true record and the chairman was authorised to sign.
- Declarations of Interest Councillor Maddox and Cllr Ronson declared an interest in any matters relating to Barrow Borough Council, Councillor Perie and Cllr Thurlow declared an interest in any matters relating to Dalton Community Association
- Police There was no Police presence however crime figures had been sent to councillors by email prior to the meeting. These were noted by Councillors. It was suggested that the new PC be invited to the next meeting of the Council to introduce themselves to councillors.
- Reports from District/County Councillors
There were no reports from Councillors for this meeting.
- Matters Arising
- Unitary Authority – The Clerk reported that the Government consultation of the Unitary Authority had been submitted in line with the Council agreement in supporting the Bay proposal.
- Return to Face to Face Meetings – The Clerk reported that the Government had advised that legislation to allow local councils to meet virtually expires on 7th May 2021 and Councils must return to face to face meetings. The Clerk is to conduct a risk assessment and put necessary measures in place.
- Call for Evidence. The Clerk had sent the relevant email to councillors before the meeting. The Government are now asking council to submit their evidence to enable legislation to be passed to allow for council meeting to be held virtually in the future. Following discussion it was agreed that the consultation be completed and submitted suggesting a ‘hybrid’ would be the most suitable, this would mean that councillors who were not able to attend council meeting in person, perhaps due to illness, would be able to attend virtually.
- CCC Highways survey – Results had been sent to councillors prior to the meeting via email. Councillors noted the results.
- Dalton War Memorial – Councillor A Thurlow reported on the recent unauthorised cleaning of the war memorial by a local company. Although this had been dealt with by Barrow Borough Council Councillor Thurlow requested that this matter be minuted in case damage to the fabric of the structure appeared in future. It was also noted that the last inspection by Barrow BC was conducted in 2018, Councillor Thurlow requested that the Borough Council be requested to carry out a new inspection to bring the details up to date.
- Trees at Littlefields The Town Clerk reported that two complaints from members of the public had been received regarding the public notice erected at Littlefields advising the felling of trees in the close vicinity. Councillor Maddox reported that she had been helping a nearby landowner to attempt to trace the owner of three trees which were regarded as a hazard as they were dead and overhanging a footpath and a building. Despite numerous attempts the owner of the land which was unregistered had not been traced and advice had been received from Councillor Maddox via Barrow Borough Council to erect a public notice advising the trees would be felled within a certain period if the owner did not come forward.
- Verges – Coronation Drive – Councillor Perie asked Councillors W Maddox and S Ronson to approach the Borough Council housing department about the poor state of the grass verges in some areas. This is in response to an enquiry from a member of the public to Councillor Perie
- Tidy Town Group – Councillor Perie reported that as the mayor he would be making a contribution from the Mayors Charity account to the local group and asked the council to consider also making a contribution. The Town Clerk reported that the Tidy Town Group maintained the council owned sensory garden and wee garden and also planted up and maintained floral displays at the railway station. Following discussion it was agreed that a contribution of £100 be made to the Tidy Town Group.
- Dalton Market – The Town Clerk reported that a local trader had made an approach and asked if they could attempt to regenerate the market which had been held on Tuesdays on Tudor Square. As the Council had no immediate plans consent was given and at the moment there were 2 – 3 stalls who were currently attending free of charge, this is to be reviewed in the near future.
- Correspondence
- Welcome Back Fund – Councillor Fox gave details of correspondence that he had received from a local consultancy about the ‘Welcome Back Fund’, some of this funding may be appropriate for and utilised by Dalton. Details are to be considered and a report made back to councillors.
- Powering up – Electricity North West Invitation to Councillors to attend a virtual session arranged to discuss the future plans of Electricity North West. Details and invitation had been sent to councillors by email prior to the meeting.
- Highways There were no highways issues to report at the current time.
- Christmas 2021 There was nothing to report at the current time.
- Co-option to the Council The Town Clerk reported that the interview which had been arranged recently had unfortunately had to be postponed so there was nothing to report at the moment.
- Keep Dalton Tidy Campaign It was reported that a new poster had been designed and printed and Councillors Ann Thurlow and Craig Fox had erected at various locations. It was agreed that a litter pick would be held at Coronation Drive area on 25th
- Finance
- H F Thomson – Reimbursement £72.96
- H F Thomson – Reimbursement £100.00
It was agreed that the above invoice be paid
- Reports There were no reports from Councillors at the current time.
B21/2021/0243 18 Nelson Street, Dalton
Change of use from Doctors Surgery to 2 apartments on the ground floor
The Town Council have no objections
B12/2021/0174 Charnleys Home & Garden
Application for a minor material amendment to reduce the size of the car park from 109 to 102 spaces – original planning permission ref 2018/0364: Retrospective permission for a two storey building (660 sqm) located on the west side of the garden centre for the sale and storage of garden related products; various structures totalling 882 sqm providing sales floorspace and ancillary areas; change of use of part of the Garden centre to non-food retail and the extension and amendment to the car park layout
The Town Council have no objections
B21/2021/0210 7 Market Street, Dalton
Demolition of existing workshop and erection of a mono pitched roofed workshop.
The Town Council have no objections
B21/2021/0201 Paddock View, Woodbine, Newton in Furness
Application for the removal of condition no. 5 of planning permission 2019/0549 (single storey granny flat in place of existing garage) to allow occupation as an independent dwelling
The Town Council have no objections
B18/2021/0223 Our Lady of the Rosary RC School, Ulverston Road.
Proposed path linking school with existing summerhouse and creation of all-weather running track.
The Town Council have no objections
B20/2021/0258 5 Crooklands Tce, Daltion
Change of use of open land into domestic curtilage (retrospective) and construction of two storey side extension (retrospective); loft conversion with front/rear dormers (retrospective); creation of enlarged parking area to the front of the property (part retrospective) (Re-submission of B20/2020/0208)
Whilst the Town Council have no objections in principle they would question the number of retrospective developments included in this application.
BPA4/2021/0308 Barrow House Farm, Woodbine
Application to determine if prior approval is required for the erection of a portal framed agricultural storage building.
The Town Council have no objections
B21/2021/0186 31 Newton Road, Dalton
2 storey pitched roof side extension. Ground floor – extension to kitchen & TV room. First floor – extension to bathroom & Bedroom.
The Town Council have no objections
B28/2021/0194 5-5aChurch Street, Dalton
Shorten specified branches located on the north side of beech tree
The Town Council have no objections
B26/2021/0211 48 Lord Street, Dalton
Application for a certificate of lawfulness of proposed use or development (CLOPUD) for a single storey side extension forming additional sitting room, ground floor shower room and store
The Town Council have no objections
B20/2021/0287 Paddock View, Woodbine Lane, Dalton
Subdivision of existing dwelling by conversion of ancillary granny annex into an independent holiday let including the division of garden and creation of designated parking area on land to the north of the dwelling (retrospective).
B28/2021/0302 Holly View, Beckside Road, Dalton
Application to fell ash tree identified as T2 under TPO 2000 No. 3
The Town Council feel they cannot comment on this application as inadequate details have been provided
Meeting Closed 8.30pm