or Sid for short. Having received numerous complaints about speeding vehicles at various locations, the three parish councils in the area, Askam & Ireleth, Dalton with Newton and Lindal and Marton, with help from County Councillor Barry Doughty, all contributed towards the cost of purchasing a speed indicator device. The unit is placed at a reported ‘blackspot’ and vehicle speed is displayed on a large screen so motorists can view it. The device also records details such as the time of day, number of vehicles passing in total, minimum vehicles speeds, maximum vehicle speeds from both directions although the speed is only displayed in one direction. Data is collected by the local policing team and reported back to the parish councils. Information can then
be used by the Police and Highways authority to assess the extent of the problem and what actions can subsequently be taken. If you believe you can identify a trouble spot for speeding vehicles please contact us and we can arrange for the device to be located at an appropriate place.